Business-to-business relationships: the variables in the context of success

Bagdonienė, Liudmila; Žilionė, Rasa. Business-to-business relationships: the variables in the context of success // Social Sciences = Socialiniai mokslai / Kaunas University of  Technology. Kaunas : Technologija. ISSN 1392-0758. 2009, nr. 4 (66), p. 16-25.

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Distinctive feature of a modern market is close relationships among business companies seeking their goals. It is possible to achieve the goals when success of the relationships is ensured. The aim of the article is to systemize the success variables of business to business relationships. After the discussion about reasons of building and sustaining business to business relationships, business to business relationship types and formats, as well as the essence of success in the relationships, analysis of business to business success variables is carried out in two parts of the article: at first, the variables that affect the success of relationships sustained by different business subjects (buyers-sellers, supplier-distributor, producer-dealer, service providers and institutional consumers) are examined; secondly, the variables that have impact on different dimensions of relationships and thus lead to relationship success, are analysed.

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