Posts Tagged ‘intercultural advertising’

Impact of cultural values stability on strategy of intercultural advertising

Monday, June 8th, 2009

Jakštaitė, Rasa  Podoski, Kristina B.  Impact of cultural values stability on strategy of intercultural advertising. // Global Academic Society Journal: Social Science Insight. ISSN 2029-0365. 2008, Vol. 1, no. 1, p. 4-13.

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Although phenomenon of advertising is researched for several decades but intercultural advertising is rather new scope of research. One of the key elements that characterise culture is cultural values. The paper proposes two different points of view towards cultural values and their impact on advertising as one of marketing elements. Therefore, the aim of the paper is to reveal how stability of cultural values can impact strategy of advertising.
Cultural values doubtless affect both: customer behaviour and marketing solutions of advertising. Thus cultural values are the crucial element while making decisions concerning with segmentation and positioning. Two different approaches regarding stability of cultural values are represented in scientific literature. Some authors believe that within changing environment mutations of consumption appear, respectively, cultural values undergo changes as well. This means that some values are changed with the other ones. Despite of this, some of scientists highlight that values are basis of culture, so they cannot change. Impact of these two approaches on advertising is revealed in the paper.