Posts Tagged ‘innovations’

Factors of KIBS providers’ innovativeness

Thursday, January 7th, 2010

Bagdonienė, Liudmila; Jakštaitė, Rasa; Kazakevičiūtė, Agnė. Factors of kibs providers’ innovativeness // MSKE 2009 : Proceedings of the International Conference on Managing Services in the Knowledge Economy : Universidade Lusíada de Vila Nova de Famalicao, July 15th to 17th 2009. Famalicão : Centro Lusiada de Engenharia e Gestao Industrial, 2009. ISBN 9789896400460. p. 431-440.

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The paper deals with KIBS’ roles and key dimensions in the context of innovations as well as factors, making influence on KIBS providers’ innovativeness. The aim of the paper is to highlight main factors influencing the innovativeness of KIBS provider. The comparative and analogy analysis of scientific literature has showed that innovations and orientation toward innovativeness are inspired by the KIBS provider’s strategy, organization culture, low hierarchy and flexible value networks, close and trusting client relationships. Human resources in KIBS play the most important role: innovativeness is related with organizational learning and experts’ knowledge and individual skills. All these factors make a complex that maintains the process of knowledge sharing that is a vital for creating innovations.
In the paper the dimensions of innovativeness in KIBS are characterized and theorized. The research draws attention to the impact of factors contributing service provider’s innovativeness. Designed framework of main factors influencing the innovativeness of KIBS provider could help service providers to identify success factors in their activity leading to innovations, to create value for the
client as well as increase their competitiveness and improve business performance. Taking them into account, KIBS providers have to manage their business insomuch that would be able to get as much information and knowledge as possible in order to create useful services for the client and beneficial ones for the company.